Oxy E-100 8 Oz


  • Product Description

      OXY E-100 is a safe and stable compound which offers many internal and topical uses. It is a powerful oxidizing substance which can act as a bactericide, viricide and fungicide. OXY E-100 has been proven to release Chlorine Dioxide in a use function, and chemistry literature confirms that this substance, known chemically as C102, is bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal. OXY E-100 is very alkaline, and can therefore help to neutralize stomach acid and has also been shown to help increase the efficiency of enzymes. There are only two simple precautions relating to the use of OXY E-100: using it full strength will cause a minor burn in the mouth or on the skin. Also, the concentrated material will bleach, so be careful with respect to clothing and carpet. If a spill occurs, immediately floodthe area of the spill with water and soak up with absorbent material.


      It has been found that for most topical purposes, a 2% solution is entirely adequate. This is easily prepared by mixing one teaspoon of OXY E-100 in eight ounces (1 cup) of water. As long as this preparation (and the concentrate itself) is kept out of direct sunlight, it will remain stable and effective over a long period of time.

      Livestock and Pet Water Treatment:

      Individual watering - - Add 1-2 ml (cc) per 1 gallon water, 1 treatment per day, 2 - 3 times per week, repeat as necessary


      1 ounce OXY E-100 to 2 ounces water, for fungi on animals, apply with a dropper or cotton pad or swab, repeat 3 - 4 times per day until fungi is no longer present. Repeat when necessary.

      Use as a hoof disinfectant, mix approx. 2oz. (60cc) with approx. 35 grams citric acid, let set for 5 minutes, then mix with 1 quart or 1 liter spray bottle. Spray for no less than 5 days straight.


      Cuts, Abrasions, Infections, Burns or Skin problems such as Cold Sores, Shingles, Athlete's Foot, Eczema, Psoriasis or Hives:

      Apply the 2% solution to the affected area either by dropper or cotton pad and allow to dry, repeat several times a day until the area heals. A wet compress left on the area for 10-15 minutes is likely to be more effective. Also, such problems as cold sores, shingles, etc. are surface manifestations of possible internal problems, so that the ingestion of five drops of OXY E-100 three times a day may aid the healing process.

      Flues, Colds, Viruses and Sore Throat:

      Either flu or a cold usually starts with a sore throat, so at the first sign of the latter, use the 2% solution as a gargle and repeat four or more times a day or place 8-10 drops in an 8oz. glass of orange juice, this will activate OXY E-100 much faster for quicker results. Also, three times a day, ingest a mixture of 10 drops of OXY E-100 in a glass of water. If relief is not noticed, place three drops of OXY E-100 concentrate in one ounce of water,(this is an adequate 1 in 200 dilution) and use this solution as nose drops and to bathe the eyes - do several times a day. Infectious agents can enter the system through the nose and lodge in the sinus area, and can enter through the eyes as well, and settle in the lachrymal glands - hence this treatment. If symptoms persist, at bedtime, place 20 drops of OXY E-100 in a cup of hot tea and drink.

      Nail Fungus, Warts, Bee Stings, Insect Bites:

      Using a Q-tip or cotton swab, carefully placing 1drop of undiluted OXY E-100 on the area and allow it to be absorbed by the skin. Be sure to remove ant excess OXY E-100 from the surrounding area. Do this, one or two times daily until the condition has changed.

      Yeast Infections:

      If internal, 10 drops of OXY E-100 in a glass of water 3 times a day for a period of a few days should afford relief. However, an entrenched candida infection may require a longer time: Due to OXY E-100 caused release of yeast toxins into the body, some people may notice nausea or other reactions. If this occurs, reduce the dose to half and continue the course of treatment. The symptoms will end. If in the vaginal area, prepare a 1% solution of OXY E-100 (1/2 teaspoon in 8 ounces of water) and use as a douche several times a day. The weaker solution is recommended for this sensitive area.

      Dental Oral Hygiene: (bacteria, gingivitis, plaque, abcesses, cold sores, herpes, etc.)

      Oral bacteria are the causative agents that lead to the growth of dental plaque which, in turn, lead to periodontitis, gingivitis, cavities, etc. A 2% solution of OXY E-100 is recommended for brushing your teeth or as a gargle. Retain the solution in your mouth for one - two minutes. This will hold oral bacteria to a minimum, resulting in far healthier teeth and gums. It can also help alleviate a toothache.



      Diarrhea, Intestinal Virus:

      Take at least 10 drops of OXY E-100 in a glass of water at least 3 times a day until relief occurs. If necessary, also do the -20 drops in hot tea- routine at bedtime.


      Food Poisoning- Salmonella, E-coli or Botulism:

      Take at least 10 drops of OXY E-100 in 4-8 ounces of water every 2-3 hours until relief occurs.

      Dental, Oral Hygiene:

      Oral bacteria are the causative agents that lead to the growth of dental plaque which, in turn, leads to periodontitis, gingivitis, cavities, etc. A 2% solution of OXY E-100 is recommended for brushing your teeth, followed by retention of a solution in your mouth for one - two minutes. This will hold oral bacteria to a minimum, resulting in far healthier teeth and gums. It can also help alleviate the pain of toothache.

      Water Decontamination:

      To kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi in water, add 1 - 5 drops of OXY E-100 per gallon and do not use for at least 2 hours.

      OXY E-100 may also be used successfully as a colonic. Use 1 - 2 cc's of OXY E-100 per 100 lbs. of body weight. Each cc of OXY E-100 must be diluted with 10 - 20 cc's of distilled water.

      It appears that total immersion of the body in bath water containing 2 - 4 ounces of OXY E-100 has a definite therapeutic effect. This has proven to be true in a case of Shanghai Flu, post - herpes neuralgic pain (shingles) and the alleviation of pain resulting from calcium deposits in the knee.

      Also, OXY E-100 has demonstrated its usefulness as a prophylactic/preventative agent. Each morning before breakfast, take 5 - 10 drops in a glass of water.


      Water Treatment:

      1:20,000 = one 480ml. (cc) to 2,500 gallon of water

      1:100,000 = one 480ml. (cc) to 12,500 gallon of water

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