PBG-51 32 Oz


PBG 51
  • Product Description

      PBG 51 is a natural wormer that also treats Giardia and Coccidia. It allows you to do away with your normal worming or Coccidia treatment.


      PBG 51 is a proprietary blend of herbs manufactured from 100% of plant extracts of the finest quality. The main ingredient in this natural plant extract is one of a salt based protein "modifier" which can enhance or breakdown and destroy bad protein molecules. The determination of whether or not it enhances or destroys the protein molecule depends on the percentage of saline in the molecules in which it comes in contact.
      This is where the PBG 51 works...it is the catalyst that degrades the bad proteins and breaks the chemical bond that holds them together. When proteins make up the surface of a cell of a bad organism, PBG 51 will degrade the surface of the cell and cause it to be compromised. Surprisingly, this process is selective "via the salt/saline" marker within the protein itself. PBG 51 can destroy strange proteins and return good cells to a healthy status, preventing the propagation of the virus strain or unhealthy bacteria or parasite. Thus good bye Giardia, Coccidia, parasites, pathogens and yeast etc. we now have a way to deal with them naturally and fast!  
      Directions For Use:
      GOATS -- Under 50 lbs., drench as needed with 5 cc's. Over 50 lbs., drench with 10 cc's.
      LAMBS -- Drench as needed with 1 cc per 10 lbs., of body weight up to 50 lbs. Over 50 lbs., drench with 5 cc's as needed.
      CANINES -- Follow instructions for lambs.
      Vol. -- 960 CC's
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